The Holiday season can be especially lonely for seniors who are isolated in their homes and may not have family nearby.
To combat that loneliness, every winter Seniors First offers Elves for the Elderly, a gift-giving program for seniors who wouldn’t otherwise receive gifts for the Holidays.
Last year, Seniors First received gift requests from 300 seniors. With the help from the community, we were able to meet all requests by collecting, wrapping and hand-delivering 300 gifts.
“The looks on their faces and the twinkles in their eyes when they received their gift was the most rewarding feeling ever,” commented
Janessa Jordan, the program manager. “With your help and that of our community we can make this a tradition and fulfill even more wishes this year,” she added.
Beginning November 21, gift requests will be available on a decorated tree in the Seniors First office. We encourage anyone who would like to spread Holiday cheer to Placer County seniors to visit our office and pull a gift tag from the tree. Please return unwrapped gifts to Seniors First no later than December 12 to ensure delivery before Christmas Day.
If you have any questions or would like to participate please contact Janessa at (530)889-9500 ext. 213 or
[email protected].