Placer Rides provides:
Information and Assistance regarding transportation options and financial assistance for Placer County residents. A listing of non-emergency transportation service providers and a transportation handbook of services throughout Placer County is available in print or digital formats.Financial Assistance is available to reimburse gas expenses for a private driver of your choice. If you are unable to locate a driver, Placer Rides may arrange for and fund up to two “last resort” rides per month through a commercial transportation carrier.
Program Details
To be eligible for Placer Rides, individuals must be:- Residents of Placer County who can demonstrate they are:
- Seniors (60 +), or
- Individuals with Disabilities, or
- Low Income Individuals
- And do not have another means to take essential trips.
Private Drivers
- Riders are expected to recruit their own drivers and coordinate their rides. Neighbors, friends, acquaintances, and caregivers all make great drivers.