Placer Rides provides:
Information and Assistance regarding transportation options and financial assistance for Placer County residents. A listing of non-emergency transportation service providers and a transportation handbook of services throughout Placer County is available in print or digital formats.
Financial Assistance is available to reimburse gas expenses for a private driver of your choice. If you are unable to locate a driver, Placer Rides may arrange for and fund up to two “last resort” rides per month through a commercial transportation carrier.

Program Details
To be eligible for Placer Rides, individuals must be:

  1. Residents of Placer County who can demonstrate they are:
    • Seniors (60 +), or
    • Individuals with Disabilities, or
    • Low Income Individuals
  2. And do not have another means to take essential trips.
Private Drivers
  • Riders are expected to recruit their own drivers and coordinate their rides. Neighbors, friends, acquaintances, and caregivers all make great drivers.
Placer Rides Forms
Contact Us
For further information or to complete an application for Placer Rides contact Seniors First by calling (530) 889-9500 or send an email message to [email protected]. Placer Rides is part of the Placer County age-friendly network. For more information about AARP’s network of age-friendly communities, visit