José Kirchner, Community Volunteer
José recently retired from operating his own successful management and training consultancy after 28 years, during which time he worked with Fortune 500 companies, law enforcement and government agencies, specializing in human factors and behavior in the workplace. He has been involved in the development of nationwide training presentations and multimedia courses. José is a Vietnam veteran, is bilingual in English and Spanish and has been an active volunteer in aging and social services for over 40 years, including chairing the Sacramento County Commission on Aging’s Grants Review Committee. Serving on several boards of directors including serving as President of Suicide Prevention Service and TLCS, Inc., Jose` was a founding board member of TLCS, Inc. and Hospice Care of Sacramento.José has been a Placer County resident since 2009 and is interested in the challenges facing our county’s rapidly growing senior population. José is passionate about his service on our Board of Directors and, in particular, is interested in broadening our base of support so we can become more independent of government contracts and grants and serve seniors who may not fit specific government determined categories. “Everyone who is a senior or is intending to become one should be aware of Seniors First. All of us have a stake in aging with dignity and ensuring the support we may need to do so.”