We depend on our valuable volunteers to deliver hot, nutritious meals to the homes of our MyMeals subscribers. More than delivery people, these volunteers often serve as the ‘eyes and ears’ into the world of our homebound, sometimes lonely, clients.
Over the months, a handful of volunteers noticed that the single MyMeals delivery simply wasn’t enough to satisfy some clients. One meal, no matter how nutritionally sound and well-rounded, is rarely enough to sustain a mature adult.
Our MyMeals program manager sprang into action connecting with a neighboring food closet program to provide a bag of nonperishable food in addition to the daily MyMeals delivery.
Now known as MyMeals Plus, subscribers in Auburn can request a monthly addition of pantry food from the Auburn Interfaith Food Closet for a mid-month nutritional boost.
A dozen clients are already taking advantage of this enhanced program. Building on this success, we hope to create relationships with other food closets to provide this service in the entire MyMeals service area.
If you or someone you know in South Placer County could benefit from daily interaction and daily delivery of healthy meals, contact MyMeals today.